Grappa di monovitigno Moscato
- Brand
Fondazione Edmund Mach - Region
Trentino Alto Adige - Growing Area
Fontane Alte plot, upstream of of the Agricultural Institute
- Soil
Soil with mixed mineral content (limestone, dolomite, siltstone, sandstone), fine sand strusture with abundant active limestone content, sufficient organic matter content - Grapes
Moscato Giallo - Colour - Category
- Grappa - Winemaking
The marc is quite wet and is fermented quickly, avoiding any temperature increase. As soon as fermentation ends distillation is performed quickly. The alembic is only partially loaded to reduce extraction time, and thus avoid extended heating of the marc being extracted and refermentation of liquid in the distillation pipe.
- Description - Pairing
Moscato Giallo grapes come from the Fontane Alte vineyard, hallmarked by its special soil and weather conditions, which exalt the aromatic varietal traits. Harvesting by hand ensures that grapes reach the winery intact; then grapes undergo a soft pressing process. - Tasting Notes
This grappa is extremely elegant, and characterized by an intense though not cloying aroma, with typical fine and fragrant Moscato overtones. The taste is complex, lingering and delicate, despite its high alcohol content. - Shipping Outer
6 x 0,50 l